In presencepsychology we begin exploring the relational and our spiritual psychologies. How do you distort not only yourself, but also everything around you because you have no awareness around your own relational psychology. Through the lenses of stability and mobility we look at how you perceive the relationships around you. You know you are in relationship if there is friction. What is your relationship to friction? This journey begins with water class, and once you understand the movement of water we can explore other perspectives.
In the next few years we will add a series of classes that will follow water class, in the presencepsychology series. In the future you will find a class called friction and a class called confluence. These will be taught from the perspective of relationship.
You know you do relationship well if your relations are different with every being, entity and place. If your relations are the same, you are projecting your psychology onto the other, and missing what is around you and available.
To your many relations….