healing 6

In this year we step into your psychologies. Ready to explore the worlds of primalpsychology, presencepsychology, voidpsychology (or potentialpsychology), and visionpsycholgy? In this year we work with clients who have auto-immune diseases, and the parts of their identities that are seen as foreign. You could say, parts of themselves that have lost their identities. 

During this first class we work with our physical and primal identities. Who are we physically, subconsciously, and perhaps even consciously and energetically? Each one of these worlds uses the vocabulary of tension and pressure. We dive into our primalpsychology. Is our physical identity as fixed as we seem to want to think? Perhaps we can learn to make these worlds fluid and pass this shapeshifting skill on to our clients. If the primal is woven from our history, how do we step out of, or silence this history and become who we really are?

In this class we dive into the vast spiritual world, or worlds. We explore this territory as well as its psychology. This class is our first taste of presencepsychology. Are you ready for your identity to expand exponentially? You are more than your relationships, can you silence them and become who you really are?

In this third class we work with the void. How do you see potential in your life and your healings? What if you could become clear, seeing and feeling the potential that surrounds us all? Knowing that this potential is inherently within us at all times, how do our void identities or our own psychology blind us to this potential? How will your perspectives change when you have worked through your own voidpsychology? Can you harness potential any time you ask the question?

In this class we step into vision itself. In this baseline shift we move into our visionpsychology. When we become our vision itself, we move in the world differently… We realize we are creating each moment. From here soul is one step away…

healing 6