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In this first year of NIASZIIHhealing we step into our medicine, our history, and our healing journey within the context of NIASZIIH. If you are looking for an Earth based healing philosophy that will bring your medicine into focus, this is were we start.

The NIASZIIHhealing philosophy is a lush environment with many terrains that come together to create a lush ecosystem. In this class we slow down the journey and begin to explore this philosophy. The places we will explore in the next seven years are outlined in this class and we start our exploration of fusion, the dynamic place between worlds. We will begin exploring the healer’s wounds and how shifting our perception of them helps us claim our personal medicine. We begin the journey of a lifetime with contact and separation.

NIASZIIH, or the vessel of healing, includes the places of the physical, primal, spirit, void, creator, and soul working within the context of Creation. In this class we wander the landscape and begin our exploration of this very powerful healing modality in the context of nature, both the external as well as our internal. We explore the ten powers of journey as we move within the landscapes.

Visions, dreams, signs, symbols, feelings, and emotions are communicators. As healers, we must begin to understand communication within the worlds we occupy and how to use our senses on many levels. This class begins the exploration of our feelings and emotions and how we use them as communication within the physical and primal.

This class provides us with an opportunity to explore our journey as healers. We start work on our tree of life, the multiple dimension map of the self. We look at our roots, our own paths and history, and how we have arrived at our present realities. Here we will push the thresholds of time, space, and self to change our awareness. We also step into bridge and how our communication moves from world to world. 

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