bodywork 2

This year is all about communication. The exploration is the Nervous System, the focus, the Vagus Nerve. We work toward tuning your instrument. What is your baseline of communication? What if variability was key to the vitality of this system? This year moves us from keepers or intermediaries to Place. What place do you occupy as a bodyworker/ healer?

What if embodiment could come from surrendering to something outside of yourself? Your primal brain doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what’s imagined. Can you manifest Spirit through the Physical? Imagination, sensing, feeling, and disorientation are all a part of this dynamic first class.

This is the beginning of our deep dive into the Vagus Nerve. We begin by discovering our baseline of communication. We work with our breath, our imaginations, and our awareness. Simultaneously, we work with cultivating intent: asking ourselves what we are doing and why we are doing what we do.

This class is a continuation of our last class with the material of the Vagus Nerve. What is beneath our threshold of awareness even in our physicality? What daily practices do we have to create intent for our day? The movements through the diagonals are key in working with the patterns we intimately know.

In this culminating class we create Place. Using the Vagus Nerve and the Psoas, we have moved from a keeper or an intermediary to a Place. Can you claim your place as a bodyworker/healer? What a year!

bodywork 2