bodywork 1

The Journey begins. This first year of bodywork is focused on exactly that…how our b o d i e s w o r k. We begin to cultivate a relationship with the physical parts of ourselves, discovering and uncovering the infinite and finite possibilities. Are you ready to surrender to the inherent intelligence we all possess?

We start by exploring our breath, our movement and even our feet! We look at how each of us moves, breathes, and feels differently. The uniqueness we each possess is paramount to the integrity of our Journey.

Here we begin to discover our fascia. We are worlds within worlds or bags within bags. Alignment is introduced through contradiction. What if contradiction was key in creating space? Our focus will be the most mobile joint in the body: the shoulder girdle.

How do we stabilize? How do we mobilize? Can we begin to see our bodies as a series of relationships? What is your posture telling you? Our work here is with our pelvis and our legs. We reorient ourselves to our primary relationship.. Gravity and the Earth!

Core - The initial movement/communication from creator before presence/relational. We dive into the place of Nia cú in this class. What better way to know exactly what you desire? The movement/communication here is paramount to transformation. Let’s find the physical contact needed to cultivate that intimate relationship.

bodywork 1